Monday, November 30, 2009

Tiger injured and down -Tiger withdraws from his own tournament

Tiger Wood's cancelled his participation in his Chevron World Challenge that is scheduled to start on 2nd through 6th Dec.

The reason provided - Due to cuts and bruises sustain on Friday's solo-car accident. Source of the news -Tiger's website. And even more he continues to abstain from the authorities investigating his accident.
Is the injuries the solo reason to abstain fromthe tournament that was to raise funds for Tiger Wood foundation? What is Tiger afraid of? Is he trying to cover up something?

Is he trying to cover up the humors of his infidelity, or is he trying to cover the turmoil within his family due to his alleged mistress Rachel Uchitel.

What do you make of the situation and the humors?
Please leave leave your comments. . . . . .

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